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I migliori servizi di avionica

Avionic Repairs

The NorthAir Aviation has a modern laboratory with avionics equipment professional, here are performed repair work and testing of the following products: Test and repair of apparti VHF Com and Nav, Transponder A / C / S, control audio, ELT 406 MHz and 121.50 of brands: Funke, Becker, Ack, Ps engineering, Kannad, Icom; Test and repair aeronautical Headphones with genuine parts of the brand: Bose, David Clark, Sennheiser and Lightspeed; Changing the method flat repair: Northair avaition handles repairs of Units' certified Garmin with quickly switch apparatus failure with a new or refurbished equipment with equivalent certificate form 8130;


Northair Aviation organizes courses and training activities for companies operating in the field of light, and not for professional pilots.

The objective of these courses is to provide professional information that have as their object the digital avionics glass panel.


Istallazioni e pannelli di avionica
Avionic Wirings NorthAir Aviation realizes single individual avionics wiring or cabling complete with cockpit. The individual cables are made with materials and methods of General Aviation and are tested with computers that provide an absolute working and a flawless test operation. The individual wiring for NorthAir Aviation avionics are dedicated to equipment like Com, Nav, transponder, ELT, Intercom, Efis, Autopilots, on request can be made ​​in "custom way" with lengths of wiring provided by the customer. NorthAir Aviation is able to produce electrical prototypes of wiring for experimental aircraft, or special wiring such as for the military sector. NorthAir Aviation guarantees an incredible price-quality ratio for all the wiring, contact us for a quote. Plug & Play Panels

The complete panels made by NorthAir Aviation: quality and reliability are the main requirements . NorthAir Aviation is an expert in the production of "custom" plug & play panels.

These cockpits are designe [...]

NorthAir Aviation

Chi siamo

Banner-InformazioniThe NorthAir Aviation is a young and dynamic company, managed by Simone Bonardi, with its operational base at the airfield Robecco Pavese (PV11) in Pavia.

Simone Bonardi is fifteen experience in avionics maintenance, in the design of complete avionics, the electrical design and the 3D mechanical panels, but also in understanding and implementing customer requirements.

Simone Bonardi managed until 2008 the avionic workshop "StarCompany" in the airport in Voghera. In early 2009 Simone Bonardi decides to start his own business, always following the guidelines of precision and quality that distinguish him and which did him grow over the years.

With NorthAir Aviation Simone Bonardi focuses on avionic customization, on realization of complete electrical systems and on the supply of comp [...]


custom panels
We are experts in the creation of custom panels, cabling solutions and aircraft avionics, try us with your Avionics System!  Some of our achievements cockpit complete panels pictures are related to aircraft avionics prepared entirely level, with complete revision of the cockpit and the electrical board.

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Tutti i nostri prodotti di avionica



Realizzati con metodi e materiali aeronautici

Siamo in grado di cablare ogni tipo di avionica, disponiamo in magazzino di una moltitudine di cavi e connettori certificati secondo specifiche MIL. Realizziamo singoli cablaggi per strumenti oppure forniamo cockpit completamente cablati sino a connettori modulari per una facile installazione/rimozione. Una volta realizzati i cablaggi possiamo effettuare tutti i setup software per far comunicare tutti i dispositivi connessi.

Cabliaggi per avionica Cablaggi per costruttori di velivoli


Di seguito alcune foto dei nostri cablaggi, che consentono una veloce e facile installazione dei vari apparati di avionica. Per visionare l’elenco completo dei cablaggi disponibili ti consigliamo di entrare della sezione del sito e-commerce. Realizziamo cablature di serie  per costruttori, comprensivi di cablaggi fusoliera, kit cavi motore, cablaggi alari, tutto sino a connettori cruscotto. Documentiamo al meglio tutte le nostre realizzazioni per poter rispondere in maniera tempestiva in caso di upgrade.



Chi siamo

NorthAir Aviation di Simone Bonardi

The NorthAir Aviation is a young and dynamic company run by Simone Bonardi, with operational base at the  “Robecco Pavese” airfield.

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