Software updates skyview
- 16 July 2015
- News / Eventi
- Posted by Super
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p> Here’s how to upgrade to system software skyview: p> – for aircraft with engine 914 turbo we recommend you turn off these utilities before proceeding with the operation: pump 1, pompa2, TCU and avionics as radio, transponder, intercom, strobe, landing light. < / p> – span> for 912 aircraft with engine: recommend turning off: pump 1, avionics such as radios, transponders, intercom, strobe, landing light. P > Turning off the utilities can ‘be made by removing the brekaer (breaker provided for disarmament) or by switching the switch on users. P> NOTE: After upgrading restore all breakers of the aircraft. P> We recommend to attach the battery on board the aircraft to a battery charger / maintenance charger to keep the battery on board you can download too. P> Verify that all system components are turned on Skyview (primary and secondary monitors, ADAHRS, autopilot servos etc ..) p> Download the latest firmware (currently 5.1.0): p> Download the package improvement for the use of the GPS Map: p> (download files with the browser Internet Explorer or Chrome, Safari is not supported) p> Download the detailed package countries Base map: p> So, put these three files to a USB stick empty (min. 1 GB) p> Reduce to 50% brightness of all monitors skyview through: p> Menu ‘Screen> DIMM> Dimm – p> If your avionics system has more ‘than a monitor Skyview started to do the update from the monitor placed in front of the pilot location p> 1) span> insert the USB stick into the USB port of the monitor (or behind the instrument panel) press 7 + 8 (buttons extreme right), then confirm the first item shown on the monitor: Upgrade to version and proceed …. p> 2) span> Leave the key inserted in the monitor until the display does not complete the whole procedure, (about 5 minutes) and back to where PFD shows, MAP and EMS p> 3) span> once finished the procedure to remove the USB drive, then put it in the other display and repeat the procedure p> 4) span> Make sure that the system recognizes all dipositivi Dynon (actuators and ADAHRS, EMS, transponders etc .. p> 5) span> Now you can load the other two files (package improvement and GPS detail countries) reinserting the USB stick in the first monitor p > 6) span> press 7 + 8, then select the first item SYSTEM SOFTWARE p> 7) span> select LOAD FILE p> 8) span> to select and load the two files in both monitors p> 9), remove the key and the charger from the aircraft. P> < / a> p>
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